IICRC Elections

During the IICRC’s fall Shareholders meeting, four members were elected to the 2020 Board of Directors. New members include Craig Kersemeier and Leslie Morrow, while Joe Dobbins and Robert Pettyjohn were re-elected for an additional term. Former Chairman Pete Duncanson will stay on the Board as Immediate Past Chairman. For a full list of IICRC 2020 Board members, including a list of Executive Committee Officers, visit IICRC.org/IICRCBOD.

Save the Date!

Hey Standards Committee members: The IICRC will hold its second-annual Standards Summit March 19-20, 2020 in Las Vegas. For more info or to register to save your seat, visit IICRC.org/2020StandardsSummit.

Not part of a Standards committee? There’s plenty of time to get involved! There are currently four IICRC Standards committees seeking volunteers to help write Standards. Visit IICRC.org/Standards before Dec. 31 to fill out a digital application.

One Step to an IICRC MRS

The path to obtaining your IICRC Mold Removal Specialist (MRS) certification just got easier! The new one-step application process allows you quicker access to the IICRC’s first exam not associated with a specific training course. If you have been working in the mold industry for more than one year, you are qualified to sit for this standalone certification exam. For more information and to fill out an application, visit IICRC.org/IICRCMRS.

Further Your Education

Interested in furthering your career to become an IICRC Master? You might be closer than you think. As technicians accumulate various certifications, they become eligible for advanced designations such as an IICRC Journeyman and IICRC Master – the industry’s highest technical designation. Visit IICRC.org/IICRCMaster for more info.

Standards Subscription Website

Looking to take your Standards with you while you’re on the go? The IICRC’s Standards Subscription website, http://publications.iicrc.org, allows IICRC instructors, schools, Certified Firms and registrants to access Standards, reference guides, technical papers and multimedia publications from anywhere an internet connection is available.

To learn more about the benefits of having a Standards Subscription, including the ability to search for keywords, check out a video with testimonials from users on why they enjoy having IICRC Standards available at their fingertips 24/7 by visiting the IICRC’s YouTube page.