Editor’s Note: We received a lot of great submissions to R&R’s “I’ve Never Seen That Before…” contest, and while we’ve already chosen the winner and two honorable mentions - which are featured in the Nov/Dec issue of R&R - some of the other entries were too good to not share. Hence, we’ll be sharing some of them here on the blog in the coming weeks. (See "Dirty Laundry," "Model Trains," "A Cat Catastrophe" and "Oh, Rats.")
The following submission comes to us from Scott Warrington of Bridgepoint Systems (Salt Lake City, UT):
Over many years, discoveries that at first seemed unusual became more common - a stash of pot or other drugs, hand guns, sex toys all showed up multiple times. (But) one find has never been matched.
A kitchen fire resulted in smoke throughout the home. As a result the upholstery needed cleaning. Never knowing what we would find down in the crevices, we made sure to wear gloves when cleaning upholstery. Anything of value that had disappeared under the cushions would be placed in a plastic bag and returned to the customer. Sometimes that includes loose change. On this job we felt like we had hit the jackpot on a slot machine when we pulled $27.32 out of that sofa.
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Great Post. Thanks for sharing with us a...
Really great Post. really useful for me as...