IICRC Region Restructure

In its ongoing effort to establish and advance globally recognized standards and certifications for the inspection, cleaning, restoration and installation industries, the IICRC has restructured its global regions, effective immediately. The four new global regions include: The Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific and Japan. The IICRC’s previous regions included the U.S., UK, Oceana and Japan, and it currently has offices in each of those regions.

IICRC Fall Meetings

The IICRC’s fall meetings are right around the corner – will we see you there? Taking place Oct. 17-20 in Vancouver, WA, the fall meetings will include: the IICRC Shareholders’ meeting (Oct. 17), Certification Council Meeting (Oct. 18) and Board of Directors (BOD) Meetings (Oct. 19-20). Throughout the meetings, we will post live updates and photos to our Twitter and Facebook accounts, so if you’ll be in attendance, make sure to tag us in any updates. Following the meetings, stay tuned to the IICRC website at http://www.iicrc.org for the Institute’s 2013/2014 Annual Report.

Call for Photos

 The IICRC communications team is looking for images to use along with some of our articles and social media accounts. Do you have any that you’d like to submit? We are looking for pictures of jobs you have worked on, carpet stains, mold remediation, water damage, etc. We’ll make sure to credit you by name or firm for all to see – this is also a great opportunity to help with your website’s search engine optimization (SEO)! If you have any that you’d like to share, please send them to [email protected].