The Australasian Council of RIA was established to provide the Australia/New Zealand restoration industry with a vehicle by which issues facing its membership could be brought to the attention of RIA and Industry leaders. The Australasian Council serves to support RIA’s membership and promote RIA’s interests in Australia/New Zealand.

Canadian Council represents the voice of the Canadian RIA member and to advance awareness of programs, benefits and advocacy, and to enhance communication between the borders.

The Certification Committee shall be responsible for maintenance of RIA certification programs, necessary redevelopment of certification, implementation of new certifications and exams, and policies and procedures for programs.

Contents Council represents and monitors activity within the contents restoration segment as it relates to the overall restoration industry and RIA.

The Education Committee shall be responsible for maintenance of RIA training programs, necessary redevelopment of ongoing training, implementation of new training through the Preferred Education Partner program, and policies and procedures for programs.

The Membership Committee shall be responsible for the development of programs and activities for the recruitment and retention of RIA members, review current member benefits and recommend changes as needed, review current dues structure and make recommendations as needed, develop any policies and procedures needed for the management of the membership.

Environmental Committee represents the Environmental segment of the restoration industry and seeks to develop programs and services that benefit and build the RIA membership, including publications, conventions, and education.

The Marketing Committee is responsible for implementing strategies and programs to support RIA’s membership, including prospecting, recruitment, orientation, involvement, and renewal of RIA members.

Restoration Committee represents the Water/Fire Mitigation and Re-Construction segment of the restoration industry to develop programs and services that benefit and build the RIA membership, including publications, conventions, and education.

The Young Professional Restorers’ Committee (YPRC) of the RIA Membership Committee seeks to inspire, connect, and educate the next generation of restoration industry professionals. YPRC consists of restoration professionals aged 35 and under who are passionate about the future of the restoration industry.

Vendor Council represents the Vendor segment of the restoration industry and seeks to develop programs and services that benefit and build RIA membership, including publications, conventions, and education.

Members are invited to make the most of RIA membership and get involved! For more information or to submit your interest in a committee/council visit, email us at [email protected], or call us at 202-367-1180.

Not an RIA member? Join RIA to broaden your business opportunities, strengthen your training programs, and promote your professionalism to the industry and beyond.

Attend the 2019 Australasian Conference and Tradeshow
June 12-14, 2019
Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

Register today for the 2019 Australasian Conference and Tradeshow, taking place at the Novotel Hotel & Resort Twin Waters in Sunshine Coast, Queensland. The 2019 event begins the evening of Wednesday, June 12, with welcome drinks and networking followed by two full days of access to the conference and tradeshow. On Thursday, June 13, and Friday, June 14, attendees can explore the tradeshow, view live vendor demonstrations and participate in conference sessions. The event concludes with the RIA dinner on the evening of Friday, June 14.

Environmental Contaminants in Buildings Day will take place on June 12, providing an extra day of education before the event starts. Concentrated primarily on mold, meth, crime scene cleaning, silica, and other building challenges, this day will be packed with information you can use in your day-to-day operations—and you may even learn a little more about some revenue streams that could help lift profitability in your business.

Learn more at

Save the Date for RIA Fall Courses

Contents Science & Theory - Roselle, IL

October 1-2, 2019

This comprehensive two-day, lecture-based course content is applicable to anything the restoration professional may encounter. Attend and learn the science of how to restore personal property damaged due to fire, smoke, flood, or disaster.

Project and Risk Management Course - Roselle, IL

October 3-4, 2019

Attend this course to learn about the following areas of project and risk management: The three constraints associated with managing a project; the four phases of the project life cycle and activities associated with each; the tools and documentation used to manage a project; the tools and documentation used to identify and manage risk; and how project management can improve a company’s restoration business.